Stores Open for Business



Notification now pops up while unlocking a new Outfit/Hairstyle/Makeup

new makeup: Dean & Shontel

new hair: Danna

new outfit: Brooke

Ability to change eye color (contacts) and hair color (hair dye)

Credit System & Store

Credits are earned by

  -completing tasks

    --points based on length of game (11 points per second)

    --points for each element of a task completed (150 per)

  -completing days (600 + day number X 250) 


     --4 credits per unique dialog line  

  -sex games

     --stamina game (aka baseball button game)

         the smaller the safe zone is and the closer the girl is to orgasm, the more points are earned.

     --lick game

         each clam the tounge collides with adds to a temp pool of credits, once that pool reaches 25, the credits are "earned" and the pool starts over.

         bringing girl to orgasm gives a flat rate of 150

     --shield game

         the faster the shield is found the more credits are earned.

     --drip game

         the longer the ball stays in the drip zone (the green area), the more credits are earned. The credits are given when the ball exits drips zone or game is completed.

         completing game gives a flat rate of 120

The Store is unlocked after completing Day 1.

Certain items require that you have completed to a specific day.


  -cards give the player certain buffs and/or have fun affects on the girls

  -cards are purchased in the store and up to 2 cards can be played during a day. 

  -cards are 1 use only. 



Placement of arousal meter. Now smaller and to the right, no longer in conflict with Inventory

Reworked all of the girl hair to have better motion

When in the main menu, the makeup/outfit/hair indicators now show the number you have unlocked, NOT the total number in game.

Bugs Fixed-

Could not advance during Session with Tanya on Day 8

Trying to browse history on danna's computer would send you to study computer

Omars shoes were on the wrong feet

Removing Araceli's belt from the Star Cadet outfit caused her legs to turn brown


the-handyman-win64 v1.1.2 967 MB
Version 26 Jan 13, 2022
the-handyman-win32 v1.1.2 963 MB
Version 25 Jan 13, 2022

Get The Handyman (NSFW)

Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

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